Studio Policies

Be on Time: 

  • Plan to arrive with enough time to be on your Mega, ready to go, 5 minutes before class. We recommend arriving around 10 minutes early, 15 if you have questions or would like to go over anything with your instructor.

  • If you are running late please notify the studio via text message. If you will be more than 5 minutes late, you will not be permitted into class due to safety reasons.

No Cellphone Use During Class.

  • As it can be distracting for clients and trainers, causing a safety issue. If you need to use your phone, please take it to the front of the studio or outside.

Judgment & Drama Free Zone:

  • Don’t get us wrong we LOVE some dramatic flare, but let's keep it fun. It is our goal to create a safe, supportive space for everyone. If you ever encounter an issue, please let us know.

If You Are Sick, Stay Home:

  • We take the health and safety of our member and staff very seriously. If you are having symptoms of any type of illness or communicable disease (including but not limited to fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat) or else are uncertain of your health or risk of transmission, you agree not to join or participate in the Activities. Our staff reserves the right to ask you to leave if you come to class presenting any symptoms.

Waitlist/Class Cancellation:

  • Click here to read our waitlist and class cancellation policies. Cancellation Policy will apply w/NO EXCEPTIONS


What to Expect


Cancellation Policies